Chasing Bubbles Foundation
Join us on an adventure as we empower kids around the world to chase their dreams!

The aDventure that Continues to Inspire
In 2008, an Indiana farm boy named Alex Rust quit his lucrative job at The Chicago Board of Trade
to chase a dream. He traded his old minivan for a small sailboat that he named "Bubbles" and taught himself to sail with a Sailing For Dummies book. Alex soon set sail and never looked back. What followed was a four-year adventure that took Alex to the farthest corners of the globe where he discovered, among many other things, that the beauty of humanity transcends wealth, language, and location.
After returning to dry land, Alex began compiling footage in search of a way to turn his circumnavigation into something even bigger. Tragically, while exploring ways to do so in India, Alex's journey was cut short in May of 2013. The inspiring Chasing Bubbles documentary, released in 2016, tells the story of Alex's adventure at sea and sheds light on his personal challenge to make an impact. Little did he know, his adventure to chase a dream had already inspired those he met along the way, and his story would continue to inspire people around the world to chase their own dreams.
Now, led by the spirit of Captain Alex, the Chasing Bubbles Foundation (CBF) promotes a cycle of inspiration that empowers kids around the world to chase their dreams. Through fundraising, Adventurous Programs, and a careful selection of projects to focus support, those who dare to challenge the status quo are connected with dreamers around the world.
Join us on the adventure
The Chasing Bubbles Foundation welcomes YOU to join us on an adventure that could change your life!
"Bubbles is more than just a boat...
... Bubbles is an idea, a journey. And just as bubbles float through the air with that magical shine that captivates a small child, so did this trip unlock the magic and small child in each of us. Float on, Bubbles…float on.”
~Alex Rust on his last captain’s blog