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FAQ: How Does CBF Choose Projects?

Writer: Chasing BubblesChasing Bubbles

The Chasing Bubbles Foundation specifically chooses charitable projects

based on the representation of core foundation values and the capacity

to benefit humanity.

Making a Difference and Focusing on Our Values

There is no doubt that there are worthwhile, charitable projects all around the world. Even in your hometown, you can probably think of a family or organization that could use some support. So, how do we choose which projects to support?

The Chasing Bubbles Foundation chooses projects that align with our core foundation values, shepherding, courage, adventure, and humanity. We try to choose projects that represent the values and truly have the capacity to benefit the lives of others.

However, just like Alex, the Chasing Bubbles Foundation follows the mantra “learn by doing.” If you know of a fitting cause, let us know! We are always looking for new adventures to learn how we can expand our reach and influence our mission to empower kids around the world to chase their dreams.

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