After repeatedly fielding the question of "Where is Bubbles now?", foundation
members turned the spotting of SV Bubbles in the USVI's into a full-blown
adventure, and the results were serendipitous.

Find SV Bubbles in the USVI's ...AND Make It an Adventure!
After repeatedly fielding the question of "Where is Bubbles now?", the Chasing Bubbles Foundation set out for a real answer. A recent chance encounter by a foundation friend gave us a general location, and with some research, planning, and a little bit of luck, we hoped to locate SV Bubbles and meet the newest owners.
One of our CBF Board members and two friends from Alex’s hometown of Seymour, Indiana made the trip to the US Virgin Islands shortly after Covid-19 travel bans were lifted (but still with plenty of Covid-related hoops to jump through). After some land travel, meeting locals, and exploration of the beautiful Virgin Islands, the team set their focus on the mission.
The team confirmed the sighting and anchor spot via local connections, set up a dinghy ride with a nearby charter captain, prepped some interview questions, and shared some libations to cut the nerves. With only a 50/50 chance of the owners being onboard and available to chat, plan B was to leave a detailed note.
Short Answer: SV Bubbles/Monty is Alive!
Luckily, upon approaching the hull of SV Monty (formerly SV Bubbles), an adorable, blonde, 3-year-old popped out of the cabin and began excitedly waving hello. Zoe and her mom, Kara, the new owner, invited the CBF team onboard for what ended up being a serendipitous and emotional afternoon. Kara shared a copy of an atlas book signed by Alex that remains in the cabin, and Zoe got out her bubble machine, which she loves to blow into the harbor. Several laughs, tears, and many bubbles later, the team left with the answers to their questions.
SV Monty, soon to be reverted to SV Bubbles, incurred some damage from Hurricane Irma in 2017, including a snapped mast! Kara and Zoe have been living onboard, working to repair and outfit the Fast Passage 39 to return to open waters. The team assured them that they have an entire community rooting for their success and the well-being of SV Bubbles in the USVI's and beyond.
We are still planning to keep in touch with Kara, especially if she's ever interested in selling, but she clearly has her hands full!!!
For updates on SV Bubbles/Monty, sign up for our mailing list - who knows, maybe we’ll plan another adventure to visit and you can join us!